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Our relationship has more arguments than the usual couple and it's over the smallest things sometimes, I just find it stupid.. But to her it's a big deal.
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I would like to meet someone, Jewish, who is comfortable to talk with and is.
If he's given you access to his phone, then you've got access to his phone. Period. There's nothing about that to make you feel like you'll get in trouble or he gets mad. If he wasn't doing something wrong--or if the tables would turn, he'd be apoplectic about what you were doing to him--he wouldn't get mad because he's given you that access to his phone.
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Wow, these days you are either f*ck buddies, FWB or in a committed serious relationship. It is weird for someone who was dating in the 1990's. We just assumed we were casually dating until someone said, "Hey I like you, want to be exclusive?" I am not going to be exclusive with someone I don't know very well. If you only feel you can be in a committed relationship and cannot date without the promise of marriage, then you need to find a like-minded person.
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At one point I said I didn't care what he did when we weren't together, but I didn't like being around him when he was so checked out. That made him furious. He said I was trying to control him. But I still didn't leave. I really struggled with the whole issue, because I loved him. I twisted it around in my head trying to figure out how I could do a better job of coping with the situation.
I think it's important that both partners know each other's styles and that even if one partner needs to walk away to clear their head, they don't love the other person any less and will always come back to talk about it.