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Ruining at 10.10.2018 at 09:05
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Nysalor at 19.10.2018 at 08:04
Apperently these 'ass-up' shot are all the rage in Russia. =/
Valry at 26.10.2018 at 17:45
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Grike at 31.10.2018 at 20:59
I would like to hear a serious rational explanation.
Conflate at 06.11.2018 at 08:25
Say a cute guy is in the room or area, you've noticed him and like what you see, he's noticed you and likes what he sees. If he comes directly to you, runs the same conversation format I mentioned up above..is that a turn off to some women? Does it trigger a mild feeling of lack of security in him, as in, he's just a man who's after every woman?
Ruane at 11.11.2018 at 12:05
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Colonys at 12.11.2018 at 05:38
And then I found one. He was my bf's friend. We used to hang out a lot, all of us, IRL. But I never took much notice of him then, except as, well, one of our gang. He had a gf whom he was extremely devoted to, and he was the very silent, introverted type. More introverted than me, even... and I can count on one hand the number of people who qualify for that very difficult-to-attain achievment. I always had an.. intrigue, at least, for that strong, silent type, and I recall even having had a dream, many many months ago, involving him in a sexual manner. We barely spoke to each other then, and I had no other thoughts about him while awake, and that was a period of time in which I had sexual dreams about a few other guys as well.. so I just let it go, as a weird thing which happened but had no impact on my life.
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Markman at 03.12.2018 at 22:34
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