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All you can do is hope that he's still young and will grow out of this. I don't know what is the most effective way, but since your bf knows this person, a girlfriend-scantioned "man-to-man" pep talk about "drawing the line" will probably work wonders. This may hurt him now, but he'll thank you further down the road.
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If you feel you distrust him enough because of his past, break it off.
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paper makes a good point... haha.
Ach! You youngsters don't know how to handle anything. In the past, this situation would have never come up at all. I would have dealt with it by moving several thousand miles away so neither of us would know anybody - we would be starting with a clean slate. Of course, with social apps like face book and such, it is easier to maintain ties across the continents, but they take effort to keep up, and over time, things that require effort tend to peter out... thus solving the problem. It also makes for great conversations when you do eventually meet up with old friends 20 or 30 years in the future and play catch up... so, I would advise in this case to take a lesson from those that have gone before us...
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