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Anyway, after about 6 weeks I have left to go travel on my own. I had a plan but I changed everything because I couldn't stay apart from G and my friends, but mostly G. I went back to where they were and also postponed my flight back home. This whole time G didn't get with anyone else, though he had plenty of opportunities (maybe he did when i was away, but I don't mind). We got very close and we both shared with each other things we never shared with anyone else before. We were having unprotected sex by then. Because of my flight change I had to leave the country and come back (for my visa) and so I did, left to go somewhere else for 6 days. I did not want to go, at all! I felt like something bad is going to happen and that G will forget about me and will be with someone else. I cried the whole way. While I was there he told me about this girl who I have to meet. I immediately knew they had sex and I felt terrible and didn't know what to do. Even now when I think about it I feel awful (Some of you might think I deserve it, I thought that at the time, and sometimes still do, but let's put this aside). All the way back I cried and felt miserable but when I finally met him again I was so happy to see him and we went straight to bed. I'm not sure about it, but I think he tried to stop me. When we were in bed already, naked, I asked him if he had sex with that girl. He said "maybe", I said I have to know, he said he did and I asked if they used a condom. He said they did and we had sex. He lied, I found out months later. in the following months he was very scared of STDs and when I asked him again and again if it's because they didn't use a condom he said no, but because he gave her oral sex. That made me feel sick. Especially because I almost never got oral sex from him (maybe a couple of times by then). I believed him the whole time. After about 2 weeks since I came back we went somewhere else, where G's ex girlfriend lived and he was very nervous to see her. I tried to calm him down and help him cope with it. They finally met and I left them to it. We were out with friends and we were all drinking (over-all we were drinking a lot the whole time). I felt sick (later I realized I was dehydrated) and a bit upset that G is spending the whole time with his ex, but I knew he needed to do it for himself, that he had to confront her, to have a closure. Therefore I didn't get involved at all and didn't say anything. My friends have seen how upset I was and they took me home. They were furious he ditched me, and they really tried to help me feel better. G didn't come home for another 2-3 hours, and I was planning to get up and leave first thing in the morning. I couldn't fall asleep. I knew he went home with her. And so he did, he told me that when he got back. He went home with her (she was very drunk), they made out a bit and then he realized he didn't want to be with her and that I'm good to him so he left and went home. When he came home I pretended I was asleep and listened to him talking about this with his close friend, later he shared that with me too. I wasn't angry at the time, I was happy for him that he got his closure.