Sugar, caffeine, meat, cephalopods, gastropods, insects, crustaceans, alcohol, hallucinogens and other mind-altering substances are sacred foods and are to be eaten regularly…or whenever desired. I had to spend the last of my school years at home, i became so afraid of school and did homeschooling instead after being so scared to leave the house or go school. I am scheduled for shifts that run 3pm til midght. The group should be disbanded and the website shut down. I hope she will find strength in herself. I have had people use the fact that I was a sexually abused child against me.
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Slow your roll there, Ausie. But yes writing helps a lot. I even said last night that I felt that everyone would be better off without me.
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WOW! that's awesome!!
This behavior is very unstable even more, it is immature. I dated a woman like this in my past and it never changed.
I'm not telling you to leave the relationship because of the other girls in the picture. I'm telling you to leave the relationship because you are insecure in it. Like I said earlier, I was in a relationship like that once. I was devastated when he ended it. But after I got over the heartbreak I realized that I wasn't happy when I was with him. I was an insecure crazy girl. I'm so much happier now not in it (even though I loved him and still in love with him in fact) because I can be myself again. I know that I will find someone with all the qualities he had that made me gaga without all the crazy insecurities. You owe it to yourself to be happy. Are you happy right now? Really?
I guess this is more like a vent, I am having a low moment of self doubt and insecurity, that I cannot share with him. Most people look forward to the weekend, I dread it because it is yet another chance for him to meet someone new. It's really taking a toll on me. Every time he seems colder in his texts, or doesn't contact me one night, I fear he's met someone else and he's on a date.
thank you so much for ur help.right now i think thats exactly what i need,some sort of self esteem boost.i dont know.imtrying to start focusing on me rather than "her"(the ex...cuz i ask myself well who is she with?me!so that makes me feel better but to be honest, i dont think she would be with me if that other gurl wanted her back,i feel like im just her last choice,or im more like her comfort zone, u know?like she doesnt love me but shes comfy with me,and doesnt wanna bother having to go thru the trouble,of meeting someone,and all that stuff.i wish i would get over her ex tho'.....i osess on her way too much,i tried telling my girlfreind about that, and i go"i think its so crazy the way i obsess over her,like i wanna be just like her so u can like me like u did her,but i dont know why i mean u have a girlfreind and she has a boyfreind"and my girlfreind was all "what!she has a boyfreind, i though she was gay?"she started to get really bothered that she had a boyfreind,but tried not to make it obvious,which hurts me so bad.i wanna leave her reaaly bad so she'll stop hurting me,but its like ive never really had anyone in my life,so the min. i do i obsess over them,and when im not with her,im like the pyscho ex,in feel i need her,its really hard for me to let her go..but hopefully now that im in college,paying more attn, to my grades,i wont focus on her nor her ex anymore,i hope i can get thru this, i really do. thanks for all your alls help.
this girl is a smoke show
Keep all you're ducks in a row I guess lol.