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His boundaries with his ex-wife are... weird, if nonexistent. She initially cheated on him & left him for another man, came back to him, then left him again for the same man.
Well. I withdrew and didn't talk to him much,. this proceeded about 3 weeks. -- Keep in mind we still haven't met in person yet. --- But, low and behold.... I messaged him via text and we just started chit-chatting again and asking all sorts of get-to-know-you questions. High interest from both we flirted heavily and since i was obviously still interested, I sent some fun photos of me (nothing too unsafe). he really enjoyed them and it exploded from there. But I had "come to terms" we would not have a committed relationship. he kept saying he felt guilty or was confused about the situation. I was confused too but since i ruled him out as a boyfriend, i sort of brushed it off.
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I'd say it's about 50/50. but what he did by holding you down by your wrists was wrong period. He shouldnt have been so aggresive with you.
How can I do that? Just tell a friend to follow her around all night? I don't know who would be able to do that...
It's ok, I think I figured out a solution. I've bought a neck brace so I can't tilt my head. For me to look down at her chest I need to rotate my eyeballs downwards, or bend my back.
Here is what's far more likely: you'll fumble around or have decent sex, then have minimal to no contact unless he's in the mood again. This will persist until he meets someone he does want to date seriously, at which point you will be dropped faster than yesterday's news.
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Hi.I am not looking for a sexual relationship just friendship, chatting, or serious relationshi.
that speaks for itself