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Any chance of more of this beauty?
lefty is perfect, love the braces!
I told my younger sister an abridged version of this and she said that if I never officially asked this girl to be my girlfriend that that was part of the problem. I felt like explicitly asking a grown woman to be my girlfriend seemed a little juvenile, but yeah..
I am going to ask her out and date her. You just did
thanx caffy
Love a fit girl with cut hips
this is just absolutely fantastic... jeepers... amazingly impressive
two fantastic bikini beauties!
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same girl as #15259. This one got so much attention, I'm surprised the other one didn't.
nice titties!!!!!!
I think the problem is (if I'm nitpicking him) is that he doesn't seem to have time in his life to fit me in but he says it's the same for everyone ... that after work and sleep and study, he doesn't have much time to do anything. even time for himself (he doesn't spend a great time of time on the computer at all). So I dunno.. I guess he needs to manage his 'timetable' better? I'm not sure because I'm not the kind of person to fill my life/time to the brim like that.
I think I have seen Mary over 5 times so far, and can't wait to see her again. I lost count and I certainly got addicted. Everything about this experience was perfect, from the easy parking and entrance to the place, to her mamasan who is very welcoming and communicative, to the sexiness in Mary's smile, her big breasts and round edible ass. I think Mary has the best ass i have seen in Dubai by far (and I've seen a lot). Her skin is so smooth and soft and clean. Her photos doesn't do her any justice. She is very passionate, aims to please, responsive, sexy, beautiful, lots of kisses and licks and sex in different places and positions. A true GF/PSE. I have to mention last time I got her friend Betty to join us in bed and BOY that was loads of FUN!!
This girl (and Betty if you can handle two bombshells) is a must try! Do not miss!! I repeat, do not miss!
Thanks Mary and kisses all over your sexy ass till I see you again and deliver in person! xx
I had been married for a long time and though life wasn't horrible I was just tired of the same old routines and tired of no passion in my life. I texted a coworker about a work related issues that could wait and that started a series of flirty texts and within a few weeks she was being all the things my wife wasn't. I got wrapped up in the fun side of it and became infatuated with her and her desire for me. Within a month it turned physical with us making out at work then one day she texts me telling me how much she wants to have sex with me. At this point I feel like I can still get out of this if I want so I put her off but then the nude pictures start arriving in my text and she is clearly not going to give up after my wife went out of town for a weekend I invited her over and we had amazing mind blowing sex several times throughout the weekend. Thus was my first time ever even touching another girl in the last 15 years and it was amazing. I tried to justify what I had done by saying my marriage was bad and my wife doesn't care about me. I thought this would be a one weekend thing but my new friend was all over me for the next 5 MONTHS we would meet up after work before work at lunch and hotel rooms and I was on cloud 9 as I was getting everything I had missed for so long. My new friend told me how much she loved me and could stand being without me she told me every day how much she missed me and again it made me feel awesome.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Do right by your gf and stop punishing her for her moms behavior and if you just want out of the relationship to be with your coworker then grow a pair of nads and let your gf go to find someone who really wants to be in a relationship with her.
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I was in the area so decided to meet her again for a quickie. Once again good encounter. Excellent…
in response to your comment on the voting thing cookie, that is exactly why we need everyone voting, as long as you place a time limit on how long you can vote on a pic posted that will help to prevent back log, plus it cuts down on random people