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Well my name is Jason, I'm 30 years old, 31 in june. I really don't know what to say about myself. I'm a single guy who works full tim.
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So I kept with close girl friends and hung out with guys. I did up until I was 19. In fact while I was 19 my best friends were both guys my age. After work we went out together, partied, bowled, or whatever because we were comfortable.
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Well, to start it off, we both met on an online dating site. Right when we started talking on IM that day, she said "is it crazy that i want to meet you?" I was really excited because we both had a lot in common.
The next guy I dated was a friend, also from quite a broken home, toxic family, lots of emotional unavailability issues, pretty manipulative. I felt like I had something in common with him. Loved him. Felt absolutely besotted by him and let him treat me pretty badly. Went through some really **** times with him messing me around and hurting me. I came out of that relationship a few months ago. Now in therapy discussing how I was drawn to him because of my dysfunctional family background.
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You're average woman will date down IMO in terms of looks. I've seen countless times where I've seen a guy and a girl together and I think, how did HE end up with her...very few times has it been the other way around. Now men seem to date down more in terms of status (i.e. education level, job title, etc), but I'd say your average, boy next door is going to be more picky about looks than your average girl next door. And really, those are the ones men should strive for because those are the ones who will IMO make the best mom's and be someone you can take home. Most 10/10 women I've met, not serious relationship material.
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