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Okay, so the guy I am exclusive with hasn't called me in five days (Which is okay since I know he's busy at work.) He messaged me today seeing how I was doing, and it was cool. Cut to 10 when he got off of work, and asked if I wanted to meet him at a bar. I get ready, and then he calls me up not long after saying that maybe he and his friend should just stay at his house tonight, since his friend's girlfriend cheated on him and needs his bro. That's cool and I totally respect that, but then why did he invite me to see him ten minutes ago if his plan was to stay home? Oh, and he was also drunk.
Hey some of us just got off work.
I know what it's like to be in your shoes. But I'm walking testimony... that if you focus your energies in the right place, you will be in a better place a year from now. Oh, and did I mention E is trying to set me up with her good female friend? Securing my first full time CAREER JOB hasn't hurt my stock at all... it shot it up 100 points.
Never justify your cheating. Just don't be in a committed relationship the moment you cheat. You are a person and your boyfriend is one as well. Please be fair to the both of you.
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What right do you have to try to trick and trap someone into a relationship based on lies? To take this advice a person must lack both a conscience and a soul. You would advise her to become a monster?
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Three days ago we were madly in love and now everything is messed up beyond all comprehension.
I don't mean to lecture you. ...but be careful. You're pretty much my daughters age and I'd be horrified if this happened to her.
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