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If she gave you a sly smile when you got watch back, either what you said wasn't truly that bad after some thought, or she did just want the sex and for you to get out. it is not unheard of for chicks to enjoy one night stands and leave it at that.
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My ex (sigh) cooked delicous, healthy food for me. I admired that he would cook for himself after working 90+ hours, and eat healthy. He taught me to cook what he liked, and it was a bonding experience.
She went on two dates with him. That's enough time to make a judgment call. When you pass the two date mark with no sex, the interest is going to start to significantly decline. She made the right move.
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Hey everyone- I'm new here (as u can tell ). I decided to try this because ive had a lot on my mind lately- including a very special guy. Well his name is Drew....We work together and have for awhile now. I started liking him in December. Since then we've flirted hard core...and been touchy feely and stuff- so about a month ago- i got the guts to invite him toa friends cookout. We talked about everything and just spent time together alone and out of work-by the end of the night- we both began to admit our feelings for eachother, he informed me that he had liked me for a long time too. We ended up kissing and he ended up staying the night (no we didnt sleep together). The next week- we spent a lot of time together- we went a few places and hung out at my house.
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