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the only problem with this schoolgirl lockerroom is that the clothes r on the bodies & not on the floor!!! hehehehehe
Wow...Randoms comes through for me again. This one is habonero hot in so many ways...
You need to get him out of your life. Touche is right to treat this seriously.
I am 37, was married at 19, divorced and hav been single until this relationship. I wouldnt have entered into it unless I truly wanted to be there. And until last week we had not had a fight.
The towel rack may be empty, but the other rack looks full enough for me. ;)
It depends. I don't think anything is going on with this guy physically - but I feel like my boyfriend would be uncomfortable with me sending x's and o's to a guy who was calling me sexy every 10 minutes. It's feeding into his behavior. There is nothing wrong with expressing disapproval over her talking that way to him.
But now I suppose I'm feeing emotional still like you would with the proper ending of something like this but I guess I have to remember that I wasn't happy for some time. I'm reminiscing about our good times and how we met etc. and thinking it could have been different. I suppose this is all normal? I get thoughts and doubts like should I have given her a second chance because she made an effort the last couple of months etc. and showed me she had changed in some respects? We were meeting for the last couple of months occasionally and she was trying to things back on track with me but I just didn't feel comfortable being with her because of what happened in the past. So I don't know if part of me is now feeling guilty about letting her down and not giving this a second shot.
Love the dimples. Cute smile
This picture made me cry. It just hurts.
Not attractive but what a great body
Honestly, when you break up with someone for a long time like that, the feelings are usually gone, even if she does not think so. If you try to go back to her, I'd be prepared to be rejected when she realizes the fire is gone. The odds are against it.
Originally Posted by dumbass2
the only problem with that is that i live in Arizona in a small town called kingman. Where you know every body in the town cuz they all go to the same school. There are no clubs/malls/fairs
He sent me a text to leave him alone, they are working things out and goodbye (first he pretended to be his girlfriend with his phone saying all this but I busted him out). The girl thinks this was a one time thing that he did (not to mention all of the texts he sent me). I guess I should mind my own business and not tell her. I feel bad for setting him up and now he hates me.
fuck yea!!
Hi.like to chill watch movies be outside and jus have fu.
Does your mom or stepdad know about this, by the way?
I am a fun loving woman who would like to find someone to chat with. I am very busy taking care of my elderly parents and my daughter, oh yea and working to.
I would like to let you know that I am caring, loving, faithful , honest & romantic. I have so much love to give. I miss being romantic cuddling teasing being sexual, I've got so much stamina to give.
No. She needs to get some kind of help, whether it's through books, counseling, a support group or all of the above. She can't just pretend that stuff didn't happen and never deal with it. It'll come out negatively at some point. (Like the cheating.)
I'm just saying that you can trust what people say at face value, and especially if they are people you know personally. People will lie to give a better impression if they think that they will be negatively judged if they tell the truth. And porn is one of those things.
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I'm jealous of her posters and she's friggin hot.