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I will swap places with you......i cant stop feelings once i have them even when rejected they remain constant no more or less but then i have only had rejection maybe hang on counting.......three times one of them was with someone online(which now i am thankful for) one of them was a childhood crush(also thankful for) and one recent i didn't pursue the first two and i got over it.I am not attracted to men very often, i am normally approached.....so i just deal with it the rejection it doesn't make me anymore attracted it actually makes me a bit sad....lol....had to laugh at my hopelessness.......and i do that ...i take it in my stride...and when i step out i have a long stride........for a short girl....smilin.....i dont have a give up mentality when i am at peace with myself, that's a gift from above, because when i feel something in my heart i follow it and let it be.....and just wait for inspiration and the next step in saying that its all new to me....everything starts out new.....and then you get used to it.....adn indecision melts away....still waiting for that..........deb