Bureau of Land Managem References and Further Reading: The Earth Story added 2 new photos. Now the Mongolian government is mounting a campaign to reclaim the lost relics, hoping to bring home fossils long held in foreign museums and the curiosity cabinets of private collectors—such as Hollywood star Nicolas Cage—who pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for them on the open market. AP —A dinosaur skull seized from a Wyoming home is related to an investigation into fossil smuggling from Mongolia, indicating that efforts to stem the illegal trade are making progress, an attorney said Monday.
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The museum has reserved space for more recoveries. Scientists have found the oldest known example of an animal drawing: In addition to purchasing a vehicle to traverse the desert seeking out nomadic tribes and educating their youth on the value of fossils, Dr Minjin aims to open 7 dinosaur museums by , each located at a specific fossil region.
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