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That's a resounding yes from me and my friends. Then again, I know I am more sexually open than a lot of people so perhaps my experience can't be considered "normal".
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Personally, at my age (50), I know what I want and got no time for games. If a man is interested enough to see me 4-5 times than it's enough for him to decide if he wants to date me exclusively.
It was nice of her to drop in on her friend, but.....
You have only been together a short time and yet you have already broken up once over serious issues. None of the issues have really been resolved so you are both back at square one. I think (he's a foreigner, right?) that he really doesn't consider his smoking and drinking a real problem. A lot of Europeans don't. It is a cultural thing. He's entitled to think this. But for you, it evidently is a big problem and he knows this. I don't think he wants to change and this makes him feel pressured and cornered.
And yeah, I'm fine with living at home but obviously if I could I'd move out on my own.
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yes, turned alot of men down through the years because I didn't feel it. And I'm still single at 37. The men I have felt it with turned out to be players or the feeling just faded over time.