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I did ask him to go get tested. Because I have been tested for EVERYTHING else--chlamydia, gonnerhea, syphilis, HIV and hepatitis. Herpes is almost NEVER screened for unless you have a lesion. That's why I was downright shocked when I found out yesterday, that his GP even ran the titer for herpes. Most deny you that, unless you've had something suspicious happen.
Good luck my friend!
You should be trying to protect your daughter, and you're NOT. I'm sure you have excuse after excuse as well. That's all they are is EXCUSES! There is no excuse for not trying to protecting your child!
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Hi..Starting over at 62. I must say that it is a very daunting task. I am looking for a casual relationship. I enjoy talking, and getting to know one another. Not a pretentious type of person, just.
I agree with both....he isn't cheating or having an emotional affair BUT, it's not his place to be "helping" her so much on such a personal level. It's one thing to advise her to seek professional help, it's another being her therapist, shoulder to cry on. She has family and friends for that. I get it, she may want to keep her troubles private BUT she's a grown ass woman, she needs to stand on her own two feet. When people keep it a secret, then they know they shouldn't be doing it.
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i agree... I am crazy to not book this 3 month job move to san fran then... I keep hoping that he will come around. He really isnt put much effort in. I know If he wanted to see me he would.. Thanks for your reply... I think your right. He seemed to entusiastic in the email I thought maybe he had changed but I guess not. I jsut wonder why he isnt that interested enough to see me
We were each other's first loves and he told me he thought about me a lot during the time we were apart. He initiated contact with me before college and I was the one who kept breaking up with him during middle school. He says he had dreams about me and he shows me everyday now that he loves me; he definitely matured from middle school/beginning of high school when we dated.
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As true as it is that we all want to do what we are passionate about, it is also true that there are stepping stones that need to be tread upon before reaching that point. If he is not even making an effort to make such progress, he is not as ambitious as you would like. Too many people (esp. men) make excuses and this is often times exacerbated when the woman is the one enabling and supporting w/o consequences.
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So, am I right to be concerned about my relationship? Should I get out now and avoid more heartache later on? I understand I should not have read her journal, but it seems she’s been acting in this way for quite a few years and this is just normal behaviour for her.
Correct. That's the bottom line. Either send the person a PM and let them know you have a fondness for their work or simply forget about those feelings because there is no future for them. You will not know if you really have a crush on a poster until you know them personally.
he told me that he would be jealous but wasnt looking for anything serious and that I should go for it...
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Originally Posted by J200
I went to the strip club myself and saw the girl that he had chosen, who looks nothing like me except for brown hair, which did not help my self esteem issues. I also saw the little "menus" that they have on the tables - lap dance $20/ 1 song, champagne room $150/ 20min., and large & small jacuzzi $200/ 30min. Now if she "wasn't done til he got - off" during a lap dance, what 's available for $150 - $200?! What should I think about him still planning on going back, knowing that it's causing a huge problem in our marriage?
Also, the clinginess concern is often overblown for people who are actually aware of it. Besides, we have a lot of influence over how people think of us. If you're afraid that you're being clingy, she'll be afraid that you're being clingy. If you feel like it's a natural thing to do, then she'll go with it.
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