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Originally Posted by lordWilhelm
Honestly I wasn't the best boyfriend for while, Her being around had a hand in helping me out of some darkness I was in. So, whether I wanted her to or not, she became a part of my life. Now I am on my feet again, and learned from my mistakes in my previous relationships as well as this one, but I have already mistreated her and the relationship.
Not a chance. Yet, that is. After the trip comes and goes perhaps.
It's like she doesn't even know
I can show my true colours and not be ashamed or worried that he’s going to think less of me.
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So I guess when you have to take on a much more active role, and face rejection, as opposed to being more passive, it can create some resentment.
Whereas the women I went out with were all so shallow to judge me on looks only.
JB all the way. Love her.
and therefore you're cursed. I've been head over heels for shorter men, too. 5'6", 5'7". I may still like the 5'11" height a lot, but I've been in love with 5'6" and 5'7" and so have a lot of women. It's not the reason you have no luck with women.
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I think you will be just fine. You really are worrying way too much. You need to just relax and just have fun. Four other people is not a lot of people. I guarantee you that he will not be thinking of other women. Do you think he will be thinking that you are thinking and comparing him with the other women you have been with? I seriously doubt it.
It: hehe :)
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So what should I do when I come across a guy WHO IS INTO THE OUTDOORSY type of stuff and I AM NOT?
People are giving him the advice he needs to hear, which is the most important kind of advice.
Maybe it will, maybe it won't. So, you should be asking yourself how much you want to be with somebody who consistently does things to you that "really hurt", even when he knows how they make you feel.
From the limited amount you have shared I think he does want you to sleep with other guys. Hes a submissive personality type with ego issues.
I don't think after three dates is too early to ask for exclusivity. As said before, if I knew someone I was dating was dating others and I was in a competition, that would suck!!!!! I'm not saying dating multiple people is bad, but it's not for some people, so maybe not for him. Do you think the guy(s) you are still dating might be "the one"? Do they even know about this guy?
Hi.i will tell late.
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