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Originally Posted by purtyinpink_11
But what I don't get is what about the days before and after that ?
I'd highly suggest leaving him... Do you want to have a life with a guy thats at the bar all the time??
They voted to dump it because it's been posted two other timesThat's the entire point of voting them in...To clean up the site
I love animals and kid.
I would very kindly extract myself from this relationship were I in your place.
Originally Posted by kaseyh25
Looks like her puppies got a bit of sun!! :p
I like to keep things simple. If I talk the talk, you can bet, I will walk the walk. I'm high energy, dependable, and down to earth. I have no shame in saying that I enjoy good companionship. I'm.
"I met up with breezy today she was awesome and everything she claims to be she took her time and made me feel right at home I deff will spend more time with her when it's available"
I tried to contact her and have her exact location but she told me to leave without a good reason after i came to her from a long distance, dont waste your time with her"
A high sex drive is lovely and all, but it is also nice to exercise some self control just a tad, once you meet a person you really like.
Originally Posted by Colez Fanboy
Same girl as: #89469