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Oralia at 28.08.2018 at 01:54
One thing to keep in mind is that (I know you might not wanna hear this, but) initial stages of dating/relationship is typically great for many couples. The guy, especially a hot one, can be very skilled in impressing the girls with sweet texts and giving lots of attention. He basically had a lot of practice in getting girls because his good looks provided him with a lot of opportunities. He is good at making a girl feel pretty and adored. He understands that this works, that this can get a girl "hooked" on him. But I think a lot more than sweet texts and attention is required for a successful long term relationship. A relationship cannot survive on those things alone. I think both the guy and the girl need to slowly build trust for each other. They need to act in a manner that is consistent with their words in order to build trust.
Eurasia at 03.09.2018 at 12:19
She didn't love me at all, she only wanted someone to take advantage of - i.e. get her a new place to stay, buy her supplies, etc.
Download at 04.09.2018 at 12:15
We then sat down to have the coffee and I tell him that I know I have some issues and I kinda feel bad to put them on him. He goes on and says "yeah actually, remember when we were talking about pets and owners? yeah you remind me of your dog" (who is neurotic, clingy and needy...so much so that we all call him "crazy dog" more than his actual name).