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He apologized for coming across that way, that's why he called me earlier because he wanted to talk, he was just tired and admittedly being lazy but really wanted to see me, so that was his way of communicating that. He wasn't looking for sex, he wanted to sleep with me. Meaning sleep.
Just joined..new at this..I will admit I have slept with 2 guys now and so much need it more then ever..Such an intense sexually experience for me.Now looking for a lover that could be an.
Sounds like he's suffering some post trauma from the last relationship disaster. I suppose his fear stems from the fact that he felt the same way about his last partner as he does you...and than, out of the blue; just when he thought everything was wonderful...he was blind-sided. He's probably afraid to ever get too comfortable or let down his guard like before --- afraid that because love has made him vulnerable again, history will repeat itself.
As to why the hottest girls hardly ever make the HP, Noah Cross said it best here: #64290 "Theory: because in any voting process you'll almost always wind up with a mediocrity rather than the best" ... he then laid some Mark Twain on us for the win
Needless to say, over this past summer, he and I hung out 2-3 times a week, usually just in the evenings but once a week we would end up talking until the sun rose in the morning! (I can honestly say that I've seen the sun rise with this fellow more times than I have with all of the other guys that I've dated combined!)
"Agreed for 1 hour session, took payment for 1 hour. Only offered 30 mins. Be warned if you finish 1 shot before 1 hour, you must leave (even if only after 20mins). Otherwise a pleasant personality and girl needs money. I just let her go after creating a big fuss. I dont like to get robbed, and to me it was a theft."
But please, leave her alone. It is not her who owes you, it is your husband.
I get so jealous when he's over their houses dropping the kids off and chatting to them, they message each other about the kids and stuff and phone calls, I hate it all.
I always figured women hated getting hit on since they constantly complain about it.
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I had a thought cross my mind that last week I'd text her every other day, so I figured that maybe she expected me to text yesterday. But I didn't and figured she must've had a lot of work and that she'd text me today. She didn't.
That is one hell of an ass.
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Yeah, unfortunately, there is not much you can do here. It sounds like in his mind, he never fully vested in you as he knew in the back of his mind he would probably be moving. However, he had nothing to lose so he decided to have his cake and eat it to. I'm not saying he doesn't care, but he never gave you a commitment to you so he feels he can move on without much guilt.
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