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Did he get a chance to stick it?
i meant "cute girl"
Super secret insight into girls thinking we are providing you, but if you want to justify it with like thinking male "screw her" attitude more power to you.
And in all of the previous responses nobody has even questioned that!
About a year ago, she moved from ohio to southern california to be with me. I have my own apartment near newport beach/costa mesa and I'm very lucky because $1025 a month is the cheapest rent you can ever find here.
With my girl "friends" and stayed over there house alone at nite etc...? Or is this confrontational?
So, IMO.. if the sex life is not suffering from this.. and if the guy is not spending all his free time there.. I don't really see a problem.
Dude, sorry i forgot about the URL rule.
she's popin out
Even the filthiest joke can be hilarious if told in the right way, it is all about presentation.
honestly i just wanted to use that tag. i just learned what it meant yesterday :D
Halloween is fun at that age- so cute. Trick or treat!
You are on the precipice of a LIFE CHANGING EVENT.
lol, where's waldo?
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I agree with you. I don't have much real understanding on the subject. I had a 25 year marriage. "Porn" was around for most of it, although not in quanity.
I think it would be best for you to leave him, for his sake. If you stay on and he doesn't dump you, be prepared to be very patient and be called names for quite a while.
If that is the case then this forum may as well be shut down because that describes 90% of the content in here
So while technically speaking, if you're over 21 you are recognised as bona-fide adults internationally, insofar as 'maturity' is concerned, you both still have a way to go.
Peachybait :)
loving life baby !!.