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Don't make a big thing of it or anything, but yes, speaking about lessons learned/what went wrong in previous relationships is reasonable at that stage.
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The only think I am constantly thinking about is her, and what if this is my only chance to ever tell her how i feel about her. What if I never tell her. Sorry folks for sounding like a jerk, I've just always been honest with people except for telling the women i've cared about how i truly felt until it was to late. The advice Given has NOT went in one ear and out my ar$e, and im glad all the ladies in here see me as an arshole and a self centered egomaniac.
I am a retired professional who is starting a small business. I am unattached at present after a 20 year partnership. I have many interests and am a fun person to know. I know how to take care.
Not to be rude, but I think part of the reason why you are having a hard time is b/c you are 25 and still in college. I refuse to date anyone who doesn't have his degree by 22. There's no excuse for it.
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Of course it matters. All my life I've wanted concrete proof that some women offline are attracted to me, but I've never found it.
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If you were having relationship problems at the time and he cheated, are you willing to accept and forgive that? It sounds like you are, but I think you are more upset that he isn't honest with you. I could be completely off-base here, but it does sound like he did, due to circumstantial evidence.
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