Tell her you'd be happy to listen to her guidelines for web site use. That same day I was masturbating to porn and I don't if he saw the porn because he hasn't brought it up yet. I had to finish what I started. I feel really awkward. After a half hour she caught my eye once again. He told me that he saw batteries strewn everywhere and bottles of lube under my bed. I thought I was safe because I believed I had locked the door, but the babysitter who was looking after my younger sister had apparently called me down several times, and she came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder while I was masturbating.
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So I got out of the pool and stood off to the side to shoot my semen into the grass. I was scratching my scrotum, as it gets itchy.
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I'm guessing you're really young, as this sounds extraordinarily confusing (Does she let you kiss her or does she kiss you; there's a big difference) since apparently there's some physicality. I think you made the situation more awkward than it needed to be by asking via text, but it also seems like she's not wanting to spend much time with you. She may have been initially attracted, or trying to be, but decided against it.