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I once had a girl feel my penis and say she considered NOT calling me back because it was too big. I was seriously into this girl and that would have hurt bad. The first time we had sex it didn't fit and I was worried. She had been with two guys before me and they must not have been working with much. My point is, having a large one almost cost me something that I really valued. And to respond to the anal posts above, she let me try to put it in her ass once but it won't happening. She was sore for a few days after which made me feel bad cause I really cared for her. I eventually had to quit trying to have anal sex with her but it would have been nice to fit in more than the tip. I'm not saying at all that I wish mine was smaller, I'm just saying he's too big to ride some rides. I bet oral sex is also good with a smaller one. I usually can't get more than half of mine in a girl's mouth for any length of time, where a shorter one could stay in that warm tickle room indefinately. That means more pleasure for you. Plus you get to wear tighter fitting pants without having people notice the obvious bulge like you some kind of freak. My ex used to make me erect on car rides as a joke just so I would be uncomfortable in my seat until she made it go away.
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But, I think Prettybaby gave the best advice, and the only advice that will really clear this up for you. Just ask her out! Then you'll have your answer.
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I'm a top/verse. I like guys with facial hair, but it's not a must. Enjoy quiet times at home, being romanced/romancing.
so i met this delightful lady after nagging her on whats app with questions, as i had issues with my VPN on my phone..anyway she was accommodating and we met up for a fantastic hour of hot passion..this girl is faultless, will put a smile on your face and enjoys what she does..would highly recommended her..
your standards are too low regarding male behaviour. so he does some nice things - so what? this is no reason to be in love with him. as you move out into the world, you might begin to take men doing small nice things for you more for granted - they certainly should *not* occasion love and investment everytime.
Next you think because hes the same height as you maybe thats a dealbreaker. I could see if he was shorter than you, some girls just cant do that. But the same height? Nothing wrong with that it is actually a plus because he wont have to lift you off the ground to kiss you and you wont need to lug around a foot stool.
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He canceled a scant half hour before we were to meet. He said it was, like I said, an emergency with his dad. I ... Don't know at this point if I believe him or not. Time will tell I guess, but we'll wait and see...
OTOH, pining away romantically for a friend who's either oblivious or not interested can be tortuous. Unless able to resolve the attraction to a neutral state independent of the friendship, IMO go for it and if the whole deal goes sideways that usually will kill the emotional attraction/bond/whatever. Sure it's possible the friendship will die and if it does it was meant to in the real light of day. Stuffing down romantic or sexual attraction at the altar of friendship does a disservice to both parties IMO, especially if there are no encumbrances like committed R's or M's in the picture. YMMV.
I never wanted to start telling her where to go or with whom, or how to dress. But sometimes she acts really naively, and I feel it's my duty to protect her from getting into a bad situation. She likes to think she can always be in control of things, but I know that's not possible when you have a super hot chick half-naked around a bunch of guys. Guys will take control to get what they want, especially if it's a girl as beautiful as my gf. I know, I'm a guy myself.