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My guy and I have been together for 4 months. He has not really taken me out on dates as he doesn't have a lot money to be spending. However I have been making him dinners for over a month at my expense. I travel to see him at my expense. He doesn't want to go out and it's beginning to be a bit boring. In bed he seems to have got lazy and impatient almost. He used to be attentive and would do what if it took..now he Is as I have stated. This has happened for a good month now. I wonder what I should be expecting at 4 months..he doesn't ever say anything that expresses emotion and this concernes me.
If I am serious about a woman i ask if she is seeing other people. If she says I move her to the friend zone. If she says she is not seeing anyone then I date her. I have no desire to waste time or put my penis in a vagina that was used to please a man the day before.
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TL;DR: If you had an established RLship of some kind, even friendly, then perhaps every thing will be ok. If this is just someone you met, especially off OLD forget her. She could be half way to engaged to someone else by now.
Your old relationship is already over. What was, will never return again. Even if you keep silent.
I wouldn't hold too big of a candle for him though TBH. When you really love someone, there is no doubt about it.
Get between the love of a son for his mother at your own peril.
Also, you do have to emotionally connect with her at some point, if all you do is deflect, then you are showing you are not someone to take seriously.
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