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So the thing with my intuition about another woman- I've only been to his place on my lunch break once and there were no girls clothes or shoes but there were traces of girl items like shampoo and purple figurines, but I know he used to live with her supposedly so it could be that. Said the shampoo was his brother's. Right. He doesn't hang out much on weekends which are his only days off. Sundays I understand because he has baseball. But Friday night after work and Saturday, any busy guy pursuing a woman would MAKE TIME when he has time or at least be calling to let me know he's thinking of me. He says he is pooped Friday nights and just wants to be in his own bed and own place and sleep. He won't sleep over here because he says he can't be comfortable with my roommates around and that my bed is too small for him :/ So then Saturday? He "runs errands". And then the fact that I don't hear from him much if I don't see him. There's so much more... Don't want to write a book. But then when we are together, it's all fine and dandy. He says he knows he needs to show me more and that after this move I can "sleep over" finally. We shall see.